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First off, happy Memorial Day! I am grateful for all of the men and women who have sacrificed their time and lives to serve our country. This has been a great week for me in the world of missionary work. There was so many little miracles and amazing things that happened this week, and I wish I could share all of them with you. I don't have that time to do that though; but just know that I am writing in my journal every night!
I was set apart as a full-time missionary exactly one year ago today and then I left my home and flew to Mexico on May 31st. It's crazy that I have been on my mission for a year already. Time has just flown by so quickly. I feel like I am going to be a missionary forever and I still love it!
So to start off the girl Aleah who we found about 2 weeks ago came to young women's last week and she LOVED it. Her mom is totally fine with her coming, which is great. We love Aleah and her enthusiasm about God, and we are excited to teach her some more.
We were finally able to teach Valencia this past week! She was a referral from a member and has come to church one time in the past. The lesson was perfect because she had so many questions about the church. We were able to give her a little church tour because we met there for the lesson. She has a desire to find the truth all in one place and is excited to pray to know if what we shared with her is true. She is pregnant and is due soon (or maybe she already had her baby, we don't know haha), so it is going to be a little more difficult meeting with her soon. She said she would eventually be baptized if she learned it was true.
We also met with a guy named Steve this week! We knocked on his door a couple of weeks ago. He had several questions about what happens after this life, so we gave him a couple of chapters in the Book of Mormon to read. He said that he had met with Elders before and they gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon. He called us last week saying he actually didn't have a copy and wanted us to come give him one. So we did that and he ended up having so many questions about the word of wisdom, law of chastity, the difference between his church and our church, and the nature of the god head. It was just a solid lesson and he is going to read and pray about this church! He also said he would be baptized if he learned it was true!
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¡Grande eres TĂș! (How Great Thou Art!)
I feel like I learned a lot this week, especially the importance of following the spirit. Sometimes I don't understand why exactly I would be prompted to go something or to say something, but I do know that when it is good it is of God. In Doctrine and Covenants 6:33-36 it says,
"Fear not to do good, my sons [or daughters], for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward.
Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.
Behold, I do not condemn you; go your ways and sin no more; perform with soberness the work which I have commanded you.
Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."
I know that as we look unto god in every thought, we will be doing what we are supposed to. God is all-loving and all-knowing, and he will never lead us astray. This has brought me a lot of comfort this past week. I love that God loves me. I love that He has provided me with this love, by sending His son Jesus Christ to show us the perfect way to live. I know that as we strive to do what's good, we are bringing glory to our Father and Mother in Heaven.
I love you all! But more importantly, Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ love you all SO much more!
con amor,
Hermana Duvall
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The Nielsen Family! Their little girl, Kelsey, really wants to be a missionary when she's old enough. We love spending time with them. :) |
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Just one of the thousand lakes in Minnesota.. |
This is a recording of Hermana Duvall and her companion singing I Know That My Redeemer Lives