Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10, 2017 Soy una fidea?

 Hola mi familia y mis amigos!   

Hermana Davis and I in the Kasper’s backyard,
 enjoying the beautiful weather. 

This was such a great week. I have been on a spiritual high this last week from general conference, so that's been good! We were able to go to a Twins baseball game this last week with some of the missionaries from our mission. Technically, we weren't supposed to go because we are too far out in the boonies BUT some amazing members (the Reher's) ended up giving us a ride. It was a fun time to get to watch some professional baseball and see all of my missionary friends! 

The weather has been so nice recently; we haven't had to wear any coats! Woot!
We took this picture in the back yard of some members in our war, The Kasper’s :) 

Brother and Sister Reher!
They drove us up to the baseball game :)
 we love them so much. I am so grateful for their wonderful examples.

Sister Corbridge and Sister Zacharias!
My first 7 and a half months of my mission,
I served around Sister Corbridge.

All of us again trying to just stay warm (the wind chill was very cold)

Hermana Meredith, Hermana Hughes, and Hermana Davis!

 Just a pretty picture of the field! I looks warm, but don't be fooled!

President Forbes took this picture of the majority of us missionaries.

Some of the Hermanas! Top row: Hermana Bryson,
Hermana Meredith, Hermana Dean, Hermana Hughes
 Bottom Row: meeee, Hermana Davis.
 It's so fun when all of us get together.

Hermana Davis and I and the Twins sign behind us

Also, I still really love being companions with Hna Davis. There's literally never a day that goes by where we aren't laughing. This week she got up and slept walked around our room at about 3 in the morning. As I talked about it with her, she didn't remember a thing! It's crazy because we literally had a whole conversation and she was trying to open the window to our room because she thought I dropped something outside (I don't know...?). Anyways, I love her and she's a gem. 

      Abiu is doing great and so is his family! Hermana Espinal and Hermano Espinal are working towards going to the temple and receiving their patriarchal blessings! I am so happy and excited for them. My patriarchal blessing and covenants that I've made in the temple have helped me so much in my life. I know their lives are going to be blessed x 100000. I love the Espinal's so much. Hermana Espinal loves calling me "la fidea" which means the noodle. Hahahahahahah. I love them and they are some of the funniest people I have met here. 


President Forbes took this selfie of us all.
I couldn't figure out where to go so my face is being cover by Pres. Forbes.
"President Forbes, why are you wearing a Dodgers cap and not a Twins one?"
"Because I am a dodgers fan" *all the missionaries laugh*

      We have been visiting with one of our members, Sam Chavie, and his son Ethan (who is not a member). Ethan is a junior in High School and is one of the coolest teenagers ever. Last week we had a really amazing lesson with him, his dad, and a member who came along with us. The lesson was absolutely inspired and we are very grateful that Bro. Oelkers was able to come with us. At the end of the lesson Bro. Oelkers invited Ethan to read the Book of Mormon. He told Ethan that if Ethan finishes reading it before he does, that Ethan will get to shave all of Bro. Oelker's hair off!! We asked Ethan yesterday how he was doing on his reading and he said, "I am doing FANTASTIC! Brother Oelkers will be bald before you know it!" We are really excited for Ethan, because this is the first time that he is going to read the Book of Mormon all the way through. He is a very logical thinker, so we are trying to work with him through that. We promised him that as he reads the Book of Mormon he will be able to see the blessings come from it. Hopefully we are going to have another lesson with him this week! 

       One thing I have been thinking a lot about this week is our life before we came to earth. A member said something to me that really stuck out to me. He said that before this life we ALL choose to follow our Savior, Jesus Christ. How do we know that? Because we are here on this earth right now. Why then would we choose to not follow Jesus Christ in this life if that is the WHOLE REASON we were able to come to this earth? I have been studying "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" this last week. One part of it says, 

"IN THE PREMORTAL REALM, spirit sons and daughters knew and worshipped God as their Eternal Father and accepted His plan by which His children could obtain a physical body and gain earthly experience to progress toward perfection and ultimately realize their divine destiny as heirs of eternal life. The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally."

I know that we all lived with our loving Heavenly Parents before this life, and that we were given our families are this earth to lead, guide, and to be a support to one another. I know that families really can be together forever. I am so grateful for this knowledge, as it has brought a lot more peace, comfort, and given me more of a purpose in my life. I know that Heavenly Father loves all of His children, and that's why He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to be the Savior of the world! I hope you all have a wonderful Easter this week. I know that through Jesus Christ peace can always be found.
I love all of you! More importantly, Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, love all of you SO MUCH MORE!

con amor,
Hermana Duvall (la fidea :))

We stopped at a library in Northfield to finish our studies.
We tried taking a cute picture in front of a bookshelf but this is all we got! Jaja! 

Mary Chuceya and her husband Yobese.
 We've been teaching Mary for a while now.
We saw them as they were waiting for a bus
to come pick them up. 

We also took a video of Yobese teaching us how to say something in Swahili :) 

The Famous beo Pietsch!
We go out to dinner with him every week.
He has a very strong testimony of Jesus Christ. 


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