Wednesday, June 15, 2016

June 15, 2016 Lots of Learning!

Hola, friends and family!!
I can't believe that I am already in my 3rd week here at the CCM! Time is literally just flying by, and I just love it here. The days are all pretty much the same, but every day I have such a wonderful time serving the Lord.

I love the temple more than anything!!! SERIOUSLY IT's THE BEST PLACE EVER! I can't wait to help people come unto Christ, and eventually receive the blessings of temples, and know that FAMILIES CAN BE TOGETHER FOREVER!

Every day I think, "Oh, I have to put this in my email home!" but then I can never actually remember everything is, so I'm sorry if it seems a little bland haha.  Here´s a list of interesting stuff:

1. They put Pineapple on like everything here, I had burgers with Pineapple last week. It was actually pretty good.

2. Birds flying into our classroom is a pretty normal thing now... people still freak out. Oh, and sadly, there a dead birds everywhere here...

3. The food in the CCM is actually pretty good, but there has been a lot of spicy food that I take because it looks good, then it ends up just burning my mouth haha.

4. I have learned how to fold fitted sheets!!!!!! We had a service activity these last two week on Tuesday.  We helped out in the laundry, and I finally know how to fold them!!!

5. It basically rains here like every single day, and there are thunder and lightning storms here every day too.  I wasn't going to share this story because I know it will freak my mom out but I am going to anyways haha. Last week on like Friday, we were walking to the comedor for dinner, and it was raining.  Then literally simultaneously there was a huge boom (thunder) and then lightning struck the Flag pole in front of us! I was probably about ten feet away, and I definitely screamed at the top of my lungs.

6. Learning Spanish is actually going really well! I'm getting to the point where I start thinking in Spanish without even trying too or in a middle of a sentence I switch to Spanish and then back to English.  As a result of this, my grammar in English is starting to suffer, and I am actually trying really hard to not use any Spanish words in this email. So, basically at this point I can't speak Spanish enough to actually communicate with people, and I can't speak or write in English.. so basically it's just a big struggle haha.

This last Sunday I got called on to give a talk in Sacrament Meeting!!!! They assign us a topic each week, and everyone in our branch has to prepare a talk.  Then at the beginning of church they announce who has to give a talk. And just my luck, I heard "Hermana Duvall" over the pulpit! But it actually went really well! I talked about Faith in Christ, and why it's important in our lives as missionaries. We were supposed to talk for around 5 minutes at least, and I was able to talk for like 8 minutes (in Spanish woo)!

We got 2 new investigators this week.  Mariela and Franklin.  Our lessons with them are going really well, and it’s becoming easier and easier for Hermana Anderson and I to just talk without having to use our notes. It's amazing to see our investigators grow. I am learning so much about how to communicate with the spirit when I don't know what to say.  And there have been countless times where words just come out of my mouth (in Spanish) and I am able to testify with confidence.  I love being a missionary. I am so grateful to be here, because I know that it's where I am supposed to be.  It's where the Lord wants me, and I can't wait to get to Minnesota!

I had the opportunity to go to the Mexico City Temple today, and attend a session.  It’s amazing to see that even in another country, the temple is the same and the spirit is the same.  I love the temple so much, and I love the peace and comfort and love I feel from my Savoir Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father.  It's because of them that I am out here on a mission (and my amazing parents who raised me in this wonderful gospel).  But to me, I have been blessed and given so so so much from my Father in Heaven, and by serving Him and His son for the next year and a half is the only way I can think of how to even repay them.

I would like to close with a scripture that I read during my studies this week:
In Alma 26:35-36, it says; "Now have we not reason to rejoice? Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a merciful Being, even unto salvation, to those who will repe nt and believe on his name. Now if this is boasting, even so will I boast; for this is my life and my light, my joy and my salvation, and my redemption from everlasting wo. Yea, blessed is the name of my God, who has been mindful of this people, who are a branch of the tree of Israel, and has been lost from its body in a strange land; yea, I say, blessed be the name of my God, who has been mindful of us, wanderers in a strange land."

I just love this scripture because I feel like it perfectly expresses how much this gospel means to me, how much my Savior means to me, how much my Heavenly Father means to me.  Yet, the joy I receive from this gospel is almost indescribable to be honest.  But all I know, that being a member of this church, and now being a missionary, I have never been so happy in my life.  That's why I know what I am doing is right, because of how happy I am serving the Lord!!! I know that He loves me, and is aware of me!! And I know that He is aware of every single one of you-- AND HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH! Don't forget that!!

Love you all!

Love, Hermana Duvall

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